Surgical Skin Cancer Treatment in NYC

Surgical Skin Cancer Treatment in NYC

Skin cancer is a serious condition that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. If you have been diagnosed with skin cancer, you may be looking for a safe and effective treatment option. Our dermatology clinic in NYC offers surgical skin cancer treatment that can help you beat the disease.

Surgical Skin Cancer Treatment NYC

Surgical skin cancer treatment is a common treatment option for many types of skin cancer. The procedure involves the removal of cancerous tissue from the affected area. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, which means that you will be awake but will not feel any pain.

How Surgical Skin Cancer Treatment Works

The surgical removal of skin cancer involves the use of a scalpel or a surgical blade to cut out the cancerous tissue. The dermatologist will clean the area to be treated and apply a local anesthetic to numb the skin. Once the skin is numb, the dermatologist will use a scalpel or a surgical blade to remove the cancerous tissue.

The dermatologist may also remove a small amount of healthy tissue around the cancerous area to ensure that all cancer cells have been removed. The incision is then closed with stitches, which will be removed after a few days.

Benefits of Surgical Skin Cancer Treatment

Surgical skin cancer treatment is a safe and effective way to remove cancerous tissue from the skin. The benefits of surgical skin cancer treatment include:

  • Removal of cancerous tissue
  • High success rate
  • Low risk of complications
  • Minimal scarring

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